This vibrant tropical plant is known as nature's botox because of its ability to rejuvenate, lift, and firm the skin. It makes its high antioxidant content noticeable with its deep reddish-purple leaves! Hibiscus is soothing and moisturizing to the tissue. Traditionally the flowers have been utilized as a refreshing summer beverage because of its ability to cool the body quickly. Notably, the high vitamin C content helps to support the immune system and to brighten skin topically.
Hibiscus Monograph
Common Name: Hibiscus
Botanical Name: Hibiscus sabdariffa
Family: Malvaceae (mallow)
Appearance and Habitat: Native to North Africa and southeast Asia, it grows in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. It has large yellow flowers with a purple/red center that grow up to 4 “ in diameter.
History: In Egypt, hibiscus flowers were used as a diuretic and to support the cardiovascular and nervous system. It has been used in North Africa for coughs and sore throats. Traditionally hibiscus has been used across Europe for colds and upper respiratory tract congestion, insomnia and as a laxative and diuretic. In Iran hibiscus has been worked with to support and regulate blood pressure, specifically for hypertension.
Energetics: Sweet, sour, bitter, cool
Parts Used: Flower
Key Constituents: Vitamin C, plant acids (oxalic, malic, hibiscus, and citric), anthocyanins, mucilaginous polysaccharides, anti-inflammatory polyphenols, flavonoids, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.
Properties/Actions: acidulous, refrigerant, diuretic, antihypertensive, antioxidant, sedative, digestive, stomachic, tonic, demulcent, emollient, immunostimulant, astringent, urinary tonic, cardiotonic, hypocholesterolemic, reproductive tonic, hepatoprotective, antispasmodic, anti-catarrhal, balances hormones.
Medicinal Use: Lowers blood pressure, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, immune support to fight off colds and infections, reduces mucus buildup, used to cool the body (tea), liver disorders, fever, cancer, diarrhea, constipation, cough, menstrual regulation, prevention of uric acid buildup
Preparation/dosage: Tea: 2 tsp hibiscus flowers in 1 cup boiling water, 3x per day. Used as a refrigerant or cooling tea. Also useful as infused vinegar, syrup, infused honey, and in food preparation.
Cautions/Contraindications: Hibiscus sabdariffa is considered safe. At higher does it can have a laxative effect. Extremely high doses of the extract could be toxic to the liver. Hibiscus should be avoided during pregnancy as there are some reports of it stimulating menstruation. In rare cases it can cause dermatitis when used topically. It should not be used on people with a cold constitution because it is a cooling herb.
Cultivation: Calyces (sepals) are harvested after the flowers bloom and petals fall off and the calyces become thick and fleshy.
Products Found In: Soothe Herbal Cleansing Cream, Hibiscus Exfoliating Mud, Restore Hydration Mask